The Socialite Doll

“the IG model”, the “Influencer”

In this article, we will be going over the Socialite archetype. This personality type loves the spotlight and waits on their minutes of fame to truly show the world what they got.

This is why my example is the controversial but unmistakable Kim K.

Kimberly Noel Kardashian

(formerly West)

Love her or hate her, there is no denying that Kim Kardashian has left an indelible mark on contemporary pop culture. From her rise to fame as a reality TV star to her transformation into a bona fide businesswoman, Kardashian has become the epitome of today's modern socialite.

Her ability to embrace her persona and turn "doing nothing" into a lucrative brand has earned both adoration and disdain from critics and fans alike. In this article, we will delve into the complexities of Kim Kardashian's impact, exploring the reasons behind her widespread influence and the dichotomy of opinions surrounding her persona and what we can learn from that on an objective level.

Disclaimer: Writing this article about Kim K is for history purposes and does not mean I support all of her actions especially her tendency to appropriate black culture. It would be reasonably ignorant to write a blog post about influencers without mentioning Kim K, Paris Hilton, etc.

Please read this with an open mind rather than resorting quick judgment of Kim’s problematic behavior.
This also isn’t an analysis fully of Kim herself, if anyone wants me to do that for any of these personalities please feel free to contact me on my Tumblr inbox or on the contact page. Because after all, the most enthralling thing about Kim was really Kanye anyway (huge line of demarcation before they got together and after). But I digress! Let’s dive.

Kim Kardashian's ascent to fame defies conventional expectations of celebrity achievement. While many socialites before her largely relied on inherited wealth or marriage to establish their prominence, Kardashian crafted her own path. From her humble beginnings as Paris Hilton's assistant, she capitalized on the power of social media, leveraging her personal life, and steadily built an empire. By embracing her own brand of authenticity and emphasizing her unfiltered access to her life, Kardashian has revolutionized the concept of success in the modern age.

Undeniably, Kardashian is a polarizing figure. Her rise to fame through a highly publicized sex tape, as well as scandals and controversies that follow her every move, have contributed to the backlash she receives. Detractors argue that she represents the worst aspects of our celebrity-obsessed culture, promoting shallow materialism and an unrealistic beauty standard. Critics claim that her fame is undeserved and that she has made a fortune out of exploiting her personal life.

Another example: Jayda Wayda

In recent years, social media has given rise to a new breed of celebrities known as Instagram (IG) models. These individuals have captivated millions with their perfectly curated feeds, often following in the footsteps of stars like Kim Kardashian. However, there has been a growing skepticism towards this formulaic approach, particularly when it comes to those who seek fame by associating themselves with rappers or athletes.
While it's true that some IG models have gained notoriety by leveraging relationships with famous entertainers, it is unfair to generalize and dismiss them all. In a diverse and ever-changing social media landscape, it is crucial to recognize that behind the perfectly edited photos lies a strong work ethic, creative vision, and, most importantly, a commitment to authenticity.

Another example: India Love

The Instagram model India Love predates Jayda Wayda, but hasn’t used her name or notoriety as wisely. India Love found her origins on Tumblr and went from beloved to simply nice to look at due to her sour attitude on the Westbrooks reality show. A commonality you see with most IG models is that they rely solely on their looks to elevate them. This only works for so long, and Kim has proven time and time again that longevity is only achieved by keeping the people talking. Which brings me to our first trait!

  1. Marketing Genius

The Socialite loves attention more than any other archetype. For this archetype, there is no deeper meaning to life or anything like that. Attention is the currency that this Doll lives and breathes off of.

Some people are very uncomfortable with a person who has a thirst for attention, labeling them the proverbial “attention whore”. Truth is every person on the planet loves attention and even requires it to a healthy degree. The notion that we don’t just to be contrarian is ludicrous. We all love attention and have crippled ourselves at the thought of losing it at least once in our lives.

However; it’s to a varying degree. The Socialite has to be the center of attention to stay relevant. This means going to dastardly lengths to prove that they deserve said relevance. This comes from both an insecure place and confident place.

With Kim, she captivates the public's attention by meticulously crafting family scandals and highlighting external struggles that impact her and her loved ones. This unconventional approach, often criticized as outrageous or offensive, is nothing short of a genius marketing tactic that has propelled her status as an influential figure in the world of social media and beyond. This bold approach ultimately serves as a catalyst for her continued relevance and keeps her at the forefront of popular culture conversations.

Kim’s favorite topics to exploit: motherhood, relationships, and sibling rivalry.

Another example: Lori Harvey

Lori Harvey exploits her relationships and is literally known for making headlines doing so. She isn’t necessarily considered a socialite or pioneer in my opinion, but more so a surface level influencer/nepo kid. Still, she’s worth mentioning to drive our point home.

This shows the importance of a brand.

Ask yourself: how do I market myself to others? What do I want to give off?

Positive: can always end up on people’s minds

Negative: if overdone, they can be labeled the proverbial “attention whore”

What we can learn:

  • Marketing yourself to others comes with a price, such as people seeing you as only doing things to be strategic.

  • You don't need to constantly hustle and prove your value to the world.

2. Charismatic

The Socialite is super gregarious and can network with literally anyone. They become the greatest of friends with even a stranger they met in the club somewhere. They’re that person that seems like they have so many friends when in reality, they have a select few people that don’t see them in the light that everyone else does.

Despite being sociable, their need to impress others can sometimes come off manipulative or exploitative. They also aren’t always leading every single conversation, either. They keep to themselves most of the time and it’s typically an act.

A hard lesson for this archetype is that people aren’t stepping stones into popularity. Just because you want to impress someone, doesn’t mean you should always approach it from that angle. Eventually, your strategic attitude can bite you in the behind and lack authenticity.

If you fit into this archetype, it’s good to acknowledge that going deeper is key to maintaining connections. Shying away from deeper conversations does not help you grow as a person. You will often make friends that won’t serve your evolution as a “grown” person, only in the childish, surface level era.

Positive: never meets a stranger

Negative: can come off as if there’s an ulterior motive; hard time differentiating between an authentic connection and a business one

What we can learn:

  • You can’t network yourself into a friendship.

3. Superficial

Blah, blah, blah facials, skincare, clothes, etc? If this sounds like you, you are probably leaning towards this Doll personality/archetype. They are so superficial because they genuinely enjoy consumerism without really thinking twice about the consequences.

We all have those friends who prioritize staying on the surface, those individuals who don't seek depth in their relationships. This personality type finds comfort in being known on a superficial level and doesn't seem to find fascination in matters of greater substance.

Sometimes, that simplicity can be a lesson to others that everything doesn’t have to be so serious all of the time. It can also be a lesson to Socialites that there’s a benefit in pursuing knowledge.

The types of friend this personality type shows up as:

The "Party Friend"

One of the defining traits of this personality type is their role as the "party friend." They excel at bringing energy and enthusiasm to social gatherings, injecting an infectious spirit into any event. While they may not engage in deep conversations, their ability to create a vibrant atmosphere provides a valuable contribution to the social dynamics of a group.

The "Shopping Friend"

For those seeking a trusty shopping or beauty partner, the surface level personality is an ideal fit. They possess a keen eye for trends and can effortlessly navigate through racks of clothing or shelves of cosmetics. Their knowledge of the latest fashion, beauty, and lifestyle trends makes them an invaluable resource when it comes to enhancing one's personal style.

The "Girl Talk" Friend

When it comes to light-hearted conversations and gossip, the surface level personality shines. They excel at creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, making them the perfect companion for girl talk sessions. Whether discussing celebrity news, relationship dramas, or sharing amusing anecdotes, they are adept at keeping the conversation light, entertaining, and enjoyable.

The shadow side of this type of friend arc is that they may not know the line to draw when it comes to gossip. This is definitely why they need to have one friend they do it with and stick to it, because a situation can get messy quickly.

While they are delightful companions for entertainment and amusement, it's important to recognize that the surface level personality has limitations when it comes to deeper discussions. When it comes to serious topics or seeking profound advice, they may struggle to offer the depth and insight that one might expect.

Positive: can bring the inner teen out of other people by keeping it light

Negative: seems “dumb” or “shallow” to others; has a harder time appealing to people without concentrated effort; has a harder time making long lasting friends

What we can learn:

  • You are destined for something greater than just social media or fame. Figuring out your “why” is a key to growth.

  • There’s always something you can learn no matter how boring or off putting it seems. It doesn’t have to be your entire personality, but it is always useful to have some general knowledge about important topics.

  • If you fit into this archetype, it’s good to acknowledge that going deeper is key to maintaining connections. Shying away from deeper conversations does not help you grow as a person. You will often make friends that won’t serve your evolution as a “grown” person, only in the childish, surface level era.

4. Self-Absorbed

This personality type’s pursuit towards their own superficial motives sometimes overrules the importance of being present and considerate. They have a bit of an impatience to them that is quite characteristic. While they are warm, they are also unbelievably harsh with their delivery.

These individuals have cultivated a keen eye for aesthetics, propelling them to the forefront of social media and society. Yet, amidst the allure of their curated existence, one cannot help but wonder about the fine line between self-confidence and conceit.

At the heart of this persona lies an unwavering focus on beauty—an empowering quality that has become their signature asset. A symphony of flawless features and impeccable style. However, as with any trade, where their outward appearance reigns supreme, there is always the potential for self-absorption.

Through their ever-growing influence, these individuals are constantly striving to captivate audiences, ensuring they remain the center of attention. To maintain relevance, they must adapt, creating an enchanting persona that fuels the public's insatiable desire for more. In these demanding circumstances, it is hardly surprising that their egos can occasionally soar, propelled by the affirmation and admiration they receive.

(The implications of said beauty and bodily aesthetics is deeply discussed in the Barbie archetype).

When someone is extremely dedicated to one thing, it can actually make them less strong in other areas of their lives. People like influencers and reality stars often have trouble understanding and caring about how others feel. These individuals may appear shallow and uncaring because they are mainly focused on things like belongings, wealth, and sticking to a strict schedule. As a result, their actions can cause their closest friends and partners to distance themselves.

Like we discussed earlier, going deeper is a tenet to flourishing friendships and relationships. Because of their myopic focus on material things, their reputation, etc they miss out. They have a bit of an all or nothing attitude towards life.

Even Kim’s family members thought she was a bit narcissistic and had no regard for their feelings in early seasons of the show.

Looking back, this is inherently true but also a sign of Kim’s fragile ego and her fears of not being accepted. She feels like she must be seen and centered at all times. To feel accepted, she pushed materialism, beauty, and consumerism. Even business has been a point of contention with her sister, Kourtney. 

This personality type’s pursuit towards their own superficial motives sometimes overrules the importance of being present and considerate. They have a bit of an impatience to them that is quite characteristic. While they are warm, they are also unbelievably harsh with their delivery.

Positive: can bring the inner teen out of other people by keeping it light

Negative: seems “dumb” or “shallow” to others; has a harder time appealing to people without concentrated effort; has a harder time making long lasting friends

What we can learn:

  • You are destined for something greater than just social media or fame. Figuring out your “why” is a key to growth.

  • There’s always something you can learn no matter how boring or off putting it seems. It doesn’t have to be your entire personality, but it is always useful to have some general knowledge about important topics.

  • If you fit into this archetype, it’s good to acknowledge that going deeper is key to maintaining connections. Shying away from deeper conversations does not help you grow as a person. You will often make friends that won’t serve your evolution as a “grown” person, only in the childish, surface level era.

  • Kim’s best era came when she stopped taking herself so seriously and stopped caring about validation as much. Take note of that if you are aligned with this archetype

More than just being a reality TV star, Kardashian has capitalized on her fame to create a sprawling business empire. From fashion collaborations, makeup lines, and fragrances to mobile apps and video games, she has proven herself to be an astute entrepreneur. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how her donk plays into her relevance as well as a marketing tactic. Either way, regardless of how we feel about her, we cannot deny her business acumen.

Beneath the self-centered facade, lies an individual whose livelihood thrives on the opinions of others. Whether it be fashion choices, beauty routines, or lifestyle preferences, engaging in the occasional disagreement can highlight the depths of their passionate nature, pushing them to defend their carefully curated image.
While the pursuit of beauty and the desire for attention may sometimes lead to conceit, it is vital to remember that we are all complex beings. True understanding lies in recognizing the multifaceted personalities that lie beneath the glamorous exterior. The socialite's self-confidence stems from a deep-seated belief in their unique abilities to captivate and inspire.

This archetype has the potential to go very far if they apply themselves. For example, Kimberly shocked us all when she showed interest in civil rights and prison reform. While a nod to her father’s legacy, she remained diligent to studying for the bar. This allowed even her biggest haters to acknowledge her usefulness or even see her as a real person at all because of the fact that she was interested in something bigger than herself. We all need to believe in something bigger than us, and this personality type genuinely needs something to believe in because of how easily influenced they are. Other personality types aren’t as easily swayed,

So what is the biggest lesson of this archetype?

Our relevance is not measured by the number of followers we have, the degrees we hold, or the titles we carry. It resides deep within us, independent of external validation.

Being relevant means living authentically and embracing our unique qualities and strengths. It is about embracing our passions and pursuing what brings us joy and fulfillment. When we genuinely connect with ourselves, our relevance shines through effortlessly. We don't need to prove anything because our authenticity speaks for itself.

Furthermore, true relevance often stems from making a positive impact on others and leaving a lasting legacy. It is about nurturing meaningful connections with people and contributing to their lives in significant ways.

Relevance is not about being in the spotlight; it is about making a difference, however big or small, in the lives of those around us. So, let go of the need to constantly prove yourself.

Embrace the understanding that you are already worthy and relevant, just as you are. Your value does not diminish based on the opinions of others. Stand tall in your authenticity and let your relevance thrive from the depths of your being.

Remember, you are more than enough, and your relevance is not a prize to be won or achieved through validation. It is an intrinsic part of who you are. Focus on living a life true to your purpose, pursuing your passions, and creating meaningful connections. Allow your relevance to unfold naturally, without the need for external validation.

xoxo, thevirgodoll


The Lover Doll


The Barbie Doll