The Superstar Doll

In my next few Doll Diaries, we will be discussing a series of Doll archetypes that I have lovingly created. This Doll Diaries we introduce the first archetype, The Superstar Doll, and for our analysis we are using none other than THEE biggest Virgo: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter...who is also a blueprint behind some of my profile icons and aesthetics on The Virgo Doll.

Doll Archetype: The Superstar Doll

The true origin is unknown when it refers to celebrities, but superstar is quite literally what it says! Stars shine and illuminate the imagine all of that in a person. It's a rare occurrence to see something that grand. Superstars have great appeal and are widely known in any industry from business, music, acting, sports, etc.

Superstars possess something called star quality. In my definition, star quality draws other people in. A lot of people cannot explain it, this person just has “that something”. This star quality can be easily recognized through a person’s authenticity, their unapologetic energy while being themselves.

Star quality shows up for people with drive, leadership, confidence, charisma, originality, depth, talent, and passion. This person challenges themselves. This person evolves.

In other words, these are things you can find through being your best self and being your own advocate without being a try hard. Some people have this quality naturally, some people have to work at it. Either way, you can tell.

Because Beyoncé finds symbolism in the number “4”, this will be 4 things to embody the archetype of “The Superstar.”

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion and yes I'm going to be harsh because these girls today just don't have IT. This is what MY personal archetype of a superstar is!!! As always, while this is my original idea, I do not own these images. ENJOY!!!

1. Presence.

Beyoncé on the set of Crazy in Love

One of the most prevalent and crucial qualities of a superstar is presence. Not just stage presence, but the way you carry yourself in real life. When Beyoncé walks into the room, as she says, the world stops. Presence is undeniably the biggest component of what makes self-assurance and confidence as a whole.

Beyoncé is known for her presence. One of the most iconic moments in pop culture has been detailed as Beyoncé’s Crazy In Love video. It took the nation by storm…not just because it was her solo debut, but because of her power in the video. From the minute it started, everyone knew that she was about to become the next big thing. What’s most important is that she knew. She knew who she was. And now...there is power in a white tank top and denim shorts. She set the trend. Let’s discuss two things that really help convey her presence.

Her Iconic Walk.

Beyoncé is also known for her sickening, tantalizing walk. Body language conveys a powerful's literally the first thing people see.

You can always count on her in the prime of her career to strut in stilettos with her hair flowing down her back. You won't ever see her sulking about or worrying what other people are perceiving as, if anything, they are invisible to her because of how focused she is on where she is going. Be mindful of your posture and, like my mom says, never let anyone see you look down at the floor. Keep your eyes ahead...that conveys confidence.

Her Image.

For the Superstar archetype, looks ARE everything. Vanity is key.

Outer appearance gets you places, no matter how much people want to write thinkpieces about how it shouldn't. That's the way the world is, so, do something about it! While superstar energy is mostly mindset based, it really doesn't help if you look a hot stankin' mess. Like I always say, take pride in your appearance!!! You're not going to look at someone with tangled, unkempt hair and disheveled clothes as a superstar...if anything you'll look at her like she has lost her mind!!! (***It’s okay to have a rough day and slap a bonnet on…we have ALL been there…but don’t make it a rough life and don’t let yourself slip girl!!!***)

Beyoncé is very much high maintenance. She has her hair, makeup, and nails done at all times. She makes sure a hair isn't out of place and takes her time before she is seen. She has her team triple check her entire look. You don't need a crew to make sure you look good, you need to learn for yourself.

Before you walk out of the house...look in the mirror, triple check that your tracks aren't showing and that your makeup isn't creasing. Carry a small cosmetic mirror in your purse.

For superstars, when it comes to clothing, she has her own glamorous way of conveying herself. Pick something you feel confident in, and go as far as to take your proper measurements so it doesn't look crazy. Invest in quality clothing and make room in your closet for your new superstar look.

I know so many people say “What would Beyoncé do?” so let’s reframe that. What would you do? Like, I for real need everyone to stop trying to be the next so and so. You can literally be any version of yourself that you want to, but being someone else is old and tired. Create who you want to be and don't make excuses. If you were a well known figure, you’d walk into the room like it was yours. People are drawn towards Beyoncé because, from the beginning, she knew her presence held weight and her name was going to be a household name. While “Say Beyonceeeee” has become a meme on Twitter, you can’t even be mad at her for knowing she’s that girl.

“Don’t just talk about what you’re going to do. Don’t just dream about what you’re going to do. Don’t criticize somebody else for what they’re not doing. You be it. Be about that action and go do it” - Beyoncé

What we can learn:

  • Like Nene Leakes says, walk into the room and own it!

  • Represent yourself proudly like a brand. Let your image speak for itself.

  • Stop trying to be the next so and so. You can literally be any version of yourself that you want to. Copying someone else will be obvious.

  • Work on your posture. Remember: shoulders up, back, and down. My mom made me walk around my room with textbooks on my head…if it wobbled that meant I needed to straighten up my posture. (you don’t have to do this, but this is just to show you how much you need to dedicate)

2. Manifestation.

Young Beyoncé literally manifested her future.

When it comes to Superstar archetype, becoming that involves the determination to be big and the mindset that you are already there.

“It's sort of like a mantra. You repeat it to yourself every day: 'Music is my life, music is my life. The fame is inside of me, I'm going to make a number one record with number one hits. ' And it's not yet, it's a lie." -Lady Gaga

When it comes to the things you want, you don’t need to say “I hope” or “I wish.” You need to say “I am.” A Superstar isn't going to hope they make it...they already know they have. The more energy you put into your thoughts, the stronger they become. You need to change your mind in order to change how you move.

Beyoncé wasn't always Beyoncé...contrary to popular belief... she had to fight her way into making the music she wanted. In the music industry, artists are often controlled and executives don't always see someone's potential. As we know, before her solo career, she was in Destiny's Child and in the 90's girl's group were all the rage and "disposable." Label executives didn't think she could ever be a pop star.

"I discovered my power after the first Destiny's Child album,” Beyoncé said in a Elle cover story. "The label didn't really believe we were pop stars. They underestimated us, and because of that, they allowed us to write our own songs and write our own video treatments. It ended up being the best thing, because that's when I became an artist and took control."

Examples of Affirmations:

  • I am a natural winner.

  • I am always successful in everything.

  • I love being the it-girl everyone wants around.

  • Things always work out for me.

  • My aura is refreshing and my allure captivates everyone.

  • I am (insert dream job here). I am so happy, I have everything I’ve ever imagined and then some.

I suggest making a few of these and putting them on sticky notes (in true Being Mary Jane fashion) around your house. You can also use a dry erase board.

Being Mary Jane

“I usually have dreams about my performances. I have visualized everything from the color of my stiletto to my hairstyle, to the choreography and movement. No one has seen it except me…All of my great performances I saw them happen before they did.” -Beyoncé

Links to Doll Affirmations on my Tumblr

Link to Beyoncé commencement speech 

What we can learn:

  • Visualize your dreams through a vision board or a document.

  • Stop talking about it, just go for it and stop waiting for your turn.

  • Ignore everyone else's projections and negativity when it comes to manifesting your dreams. It's not their life.

  • Allow yourself to fall flat on your face, dust yourself off and try again (Aaliyah was so real for that).

3. Work Ethic

Obviously, we can’t call someone a superstar if their work ethic is nonexistent. A lot of entrepreneurs or household names are nearly obsessed with working on themselves. A lot of the "new girls" are ragged on for lacking "something" and everyone just can't quite put their finger on it. Well, it's their lack of discipline and passion. The reason why so many people lack star quality is because they refuse to put in the work. Even outside of the music industry, people want to see what you have to offer and if it's up to par. If you are half assing everything you do, don't expect to be held with reverence.

Beyoncé is a perfectionist, almost to a fault. Now that she is in her 40s, she's learning the pitfalls in perfectionism and workaholism.

Video of Beyoncé doing Sweet Dreams video

Perfectionism is usually seen as a positive quality, but it can be damaging to one’s self esteem. Having a mindset that what you do isn’t necessarily your best, even if it is at the time, can destroy your confidence. This is also called imposter syndrome.

"I have not always made myself a priority," she explained. "I've personally struggled with insomnia from touring for more than half of my life."

Beyoncé also added that it can be very easy to lose yourself in the industry. "It takes your spirit and light, then spits you out," she said. "I've fought to protect my sanity and my privacy."

So, it's important to hold yourself to a high standard...but also balance that with a strong personal life and preservation. Superstars take care of themselves.

What we can learn:

  • Give your best in all that you do…your best that day is good enough. Take care of yourself.

  • Your only competition is yourself. Everything and everyone else is simply noise.

  • Prioritize what you believe in, rather than something dead that you aren’t passionate about. It’s hard to have a strong work ethic if you hate every single day.

  • Don’t focus on what you haven’t done, focus on what you’re doing now and everything will fall into place.

4. Unbothered Energy


This is a hot topic in the Black community, and deserves its own post, but Beyoncé has mastered the art form of remaining unbothered.

Starting out in her career, she admitted she had a lot of insecurities as anyone that young would. But over time, she shared less and less because she realized that people were trying to take advantage and that it wasn’t really their business.

With her being a star, what good would it be to engage in shenanigans of an average, lowly person? You have to demand respect from others, not request it. It’s not something to wish for, it’s something to claim as your birthright. And even those that may not respect you may have a healthy amount of fear for the way you carry yourself. This is why nobody really goes against Beyoncé… because she is impactful without even having to say anything.

What we can learn:

  • Avoid the subtweeting and all of the petty BS. If anything, share that with your best friend and keep it pushing.

  • Detach. People are going to say whatever and do whatever. Let them. Why is it your business how other people feel?

  • Create a boundary by communicating what you will and won’t put up with. Over time, that will be the standard. Don’t settle for less than your standard, otherwise you will receive even less than what you foolishly settled for.

  • Stop proving yourself to other people and stop chasing them. Remember, your name carries weight and your presence speaks for itself. You have nothing to prove at all.

As you can see, achieving a superstar archetype is a mindset and not only what you’re wearing or what you look like. So many people wonder why they fail to become the next “it-girl”, as people say, or respected socialite… it’s because the star quality is lacking. Don’t be so worried about looking like a superstar that you don’t learn from how superstars carry themselves or think.

Stop looking at other people saying “I could never be them” when you’re already you. You look silly comparing yourself to people when there’s plenty who probably would rather be in your shoes. Focus on yourself.

Sometimes we get so used to ourselves that we forget who we really are. Wake up and stop sleeping on yourself, because the future you holds all of the power this world is waiting for. Now, don’t just read this…go BE this.

Stay tuned for the next archetype that we can learn from!

Until next time,

xoxo, thevirgodoll


The Vixen Doll